Skilled Nursing Facility Limited Visitation Protocols

August 18, 2020

Dear Family, Friends and Residents,

In accordance with guidance from the NYS Department of Health, the facility will be starting the resumption of Limited Visitation for our residents as per the guidelines and restrictions.  Thank you for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times.

Please note that there are heavily restricted practices/guidelines to follow associated with restarting visitation. At this time outdoor visitation only is approved, and visitation will be limited to certain days and times, and the slots are extremely limited to ensure everyone’s health and safety.  The days and times are subject to change.

The visitation days will be limited to Tue., Wed. Thur. with limited time frames and visit durations. This is necessary for the facility to abide by all limitations, guidelines and restrictions as outlined by DOH.

Facility scheduling personnel will be reaching out to resident representatives to schedule visitation that will take place over the next few weeks.

** All visitation is by pre-scheduled appointments only **

** To start, visitation days/hrs. will be : Tue/Wed/Thur 10a-12p and 2p-4p via scheduled time slots**

*For additional information on our visitation protocols and to view additional important information please click on the links below before scheduling your visit.

Click here for our Communication Letter and Visitation Protocols

Click here for a copy of our Safety Plan

Click here for a copy of a Visitor Expectation Fact Sheet and Visitor Contact Screening Form.

Click here for information on how to properly wear a face mask.

Click below for a copy of the NYS Department of Health Guidance

Please understand that this is a very fluid and ever-changing situation with strict protocols and guidance.  For additional information, please contact the facility directly via the contact information below:

Facility Phone Facility Email

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